Today’s organisational environment is demanding, volatile, complex and ambiguous. More and more, executives – including those men and women who are at the top of their respective fields - are struggling to meet the responsibilities of their roles. Many are finding it increasingly difficult to step back and reflect on their experiences, exploit their successes or learn from their past mistakes.
Executive coaching is about developing executive excellence, facilitating growth, and enhancing skills and leadership. One-to-one executive coaching is so much more than simply correcting poor behaviours or sub-standard performance issues – it is also about providing time and space to discover new potential, resolve interpersonal discord, make changes which lead to greater individual fulfilment and organisational success.
At Communications For Commerce we commonly work in a cycle of 3 months meeting on a fortnightly basis. The initial meeting with the coachee, their manager (or sponsor) and one of our trained and highly qualified coaches is designed to establish congruence of individual and organisational goals and forms the foundation of the coaching relationship as it moves forward. Most coachees complete 2 or more cycles of coaching, focussing on specific themes that are of individual importance or relevance.
Click here to review the coaches at Communications For Commerce including their qualifications and individual coaching approach.